miércoles, 6 de agosto de 2008

My Profile.


My e-mail is: anyijm3@hotmail.com, and the e-mail of the university is: anyelinne.jaimes@unisabana.edu.co

Age: 17 years old.

Birthplace: Guaca Santnader.

Education: Medicine in the "Universidad de la Sabana, in the firs half.

Address: Kra 18A No. 182-58 in Bogota.

Family: My mother is CLAUDIA MANTILLA, she's a lawyer, she has 33 years old, she works in Alcaldia of Guaca Santander.

My father is FREDDY JAIMES, he's a lawyer, he has 35 years old, he works in Alcaldia of Jesus Maria Santander.

And I have one brother his name is MANUEL JAIMES MANTILLA, he has 3 years old.

Hobbies (free time): I really like read, because in reading I find a good moment with many opportunities to learn more every day, it is very interesting.

Some of my favorites movies are:

  • "Life is beautiful"
  • "The Ilusionist"
  • "As if it were true"
  • "Dejavu", "Perfume"
  • "Like water for chocolate".

Some of my favorite books are:

  • "Del amor y otros demonios"
  • "La bruja"
  • "La ciudad de los perros"
  • "El tunel"
  • "La celestina"
  • "Cien años de soledad"
  • "El vendedor mas grande del mundo"
  • "Corazones rotos"

"A closed book is a brain speaking, closed a friend who expects that destroyed a heart weeps".

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

Hi Anyeline. I think you can post a little more in your Profile. And please, print it for me, so we can correct some minor mistakes, OK?. Liliana